The Power of Plants

Kelly's Kreations is passionate about helping modern generations reconnect with the knowledge our ancestors' held about the incredible ways that plants help support our bodies and minds

Helping you on your wellness and happiness journey

By offering quality herbal products and loose leaf tea that tastes good while being good for you Kelly's Kreations can help you find ways to support your body's needs naturally!

Featured Creator!

Our featured local creator is Hapimonsta! Check out some of her digital prints for sale in the art collection and see more of her work on Instagram

  • Want to Work With Us?

    If you are in/near the LA County area and make uplifting art or holistic wellness products - reach out to find out how you might be able to get involved with Kelly Kreations!

  • Questions? Requests?

    If you have any questions at all or have a particular product you're looking for, reach out! I (Kelly) will be excited to hear from you and will personally respond to your queries.

  • Want a specific tea blend?

    I have access to a large variety of herbs and would be happy to do a personalized tea blend for you! Let me know what you're looking for and I can give you more info!